Treeline to Lookout Strava Segment located in Wasilla AK with 2% climb grade for 4.5 miles

Treeline to Lookout

The Treeline to Lookout segment is located in Wasilla, AK with a climb category of 2, an average grade of 4.5%, a distance of 4882.1 meters, and an elevation difference of 217.6 meters.

This is a great segment for those looking for a challenging climb with a stunning view at the top.

Treeline to Lookout

The Treeline to Lookout segment is located in Wasilla, AK and has a climb category of 2, an average grade of 4.5%, a distance of 4882.1 meters, and an elevation difference of 217.6 meters.

This segment is a great way to get in some climbing practice while enjoying the beautiful scenery of Wasilla. The average grade is not too steep, so it is a good option for those who are not looking for a super challenging climb. The distance is also manageable, making it a good choice for a quick ride.

Climb Category

The climb category of this segment is 2, which means it is a moderate climb. The average grade is 4.5%, so it is not too steep. The distance is 4882.1 meters, so it is a good choice for a quick ride.

Elevation Difference

The elevation difference of this segment is 217.6 meters. This is a moderate amount of elevation gain, so it is a good choice for those who are looking for a challenge. The distance is also manageable, making it a good choice for a quick ride.


The distance of this segment is 4882.1 meters. This is a moderate distance, so it is a good choice for those who are looking for a challenge. The elevation gain is also manageable, making it a good choice for a quick ride.

The Treeline to Lookout segment in Wasilla, AK is a great climb for those looking for a challenge. With a climb category of 2, an average grade of 4.5%, and a distance of 4882.1 meters, this segment is sure to give you a workout. And, with an elevation difference of 217.6 meters, you'll be able to enjoy some great views of the surrounding area. So, if you're looking for a challenging climb in Wasilla, AK, the Treeline to Lookout segment is a great option.

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