This is where it starts to bite Strava Segment located in Wasilla AK with 2% climb grade for 7.5 miles

This is where it starts to bite

The This is where it starts to bite segment is located in Wasilla, AK with a climb category of 2, an average grade of 7.5%, a distance of 2974.0 meters, and an elevation difference of 223.0 meters.

This is a popular segment for cyclists looking for a challenge, as it is one of the longer climbs in

This is where it starts to bite

The This is where it starts to bite segment is located in Wasilla, AK with a climb category of 2, an average grade of 7.5%, a distance of 2974.0 meters, and an elevation difference of 223.0 meters.

This is where it starts to bite is a great segment for anyone looking for a challenge. The segment is just over 2.9 kilometers long and has an average grade of 7.5%.

The This is where it starts to bite segment is a great way to test your fitness and see how you stack up against other cyclists in the area. The segment is popular and always has a few people riding it at any given time.

If you're looking for a challenge, the This is where it starts to bite segment is definitely worth checking out.

This is where it starts to bite is a great segment for anyone visiting Wasilla, AK. The climb category is 2, the average grade is 7.5%, the distance is 2974.0 meters, and the elevation difference is 223.0 meters. This segment is a great way to see Wasilla and get a workout in at the same time. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this segment as much as I do.

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