Overton Rd - Arundel to N. Woodridge Strava Segment located in Vestavia Hills AL with 1% climb grade for 4.7 miles

The Overton Rd - Arundel to N. Woodridge segment

The Overton Rd - Arundel to N. Woodridge segment is a 1734.1 meter long stretch of road with a climb category of 1 and an average grade of 4.7%. It is located in Vestavia Hills, AL and has an elevation difference of 80.9 meters.

What to Expect

This segment of the Overton Road is a relatively easy one, with a low climb category and average grade. However, the distance is still quite long, so be prepared for a bit of a workout. The views from the top of the hill are definitely worth it, though!

How to Get There

The Overton Rd - Arundel to N. Woodridge segment is located in Vestavia Hills, AL. To get there, take I-65 to exit 246 and follow signs for AL-10 E/US-31 S/Vestavia Hills. Turn left onto AL-10 E/US-31 S, and then turn right onto Overton Rd. The segment will be on your right.

Things to Do in the Area

There are plenty of things to do in the area around the Overton Rd - Arundel to N. Woodridge segment. Vestavia Hills is home to a number of parks, including Vestavia Hills City Park and Liberty Park. If you're looking for something a bit more active, try your hand at hiking or mountain biking at Oak Mountain State Park. And of course, don't forget to stop by one of the many delicious restaurants in the area for a post-ride meal!

The Overton Road Climb

The Overton Road climb is a popular route for cyclists in the Vestavia Hills area. The climb is a category 1 with an average grade of 4.7%. The distance is 1734.1 meters and the elevation difference is 80.9 meters. The route is popular because it is a challenging climb with great views of the surrounding area.

Climb Description

The Overton Road climb is a challenging route that is sure to test your cycling skills. The average grade of 4.7% is sure to get your heart rate up as you make your way up the 1734.1 meter climb. The elevation difference of 80.9 meters will also add to the challenge of the climb.


One of the best things about the Overton Road climb is the views. The route takes you through some of the most scenic areas in the Vestavia Hills area. You will be able to see for miles as you make your way up the climb.


The Overton Road climb is a great challenge for any cyclist. The climb is a great way to test your fitness and see how far you can push yourself. If you are looking for a challenging route, the Overton Road climb is a great option.

The Overton Rd - Arundel to N. Woodridge segment is a great climb for anyone looking for a challenge. The average grade is 4.7%, but the distance is only 1734.1 meters. The elevation difference is only 80.9 meters, but the views from the top are worth it. The segment is located in Vestavia Hills, AL and has a climb category of 1.

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