Hwy 78 Cemetery Hill Strava Segment located in Vestavia Hills AL with 1% climb grade for 2.7 miles

Hwy 78 Cemetery Hill Segment in Vestavia Hills, AL

The Hwy 78 Cemetery Hill Segment is located in Vestavia Hills, AL with a climb category of 1, an average grade of 2.7%, a distance of 4267.3 meters, and an elevation difference of 114.4 meters. This is a popular spot for cyclists because it is a challenging climb with a beautiful view at the top.

Climb Category

The climb category is a 1, which is the easiest category. This means that the grade is less than 3% and the elevation difference is less than 150 meters.

Average Grade

The average grade of the Hwy 78 Cemetery Hill Segment is 2.7%. This is a relatively easy grade, but it is still a challenging climb.


The distance of the Hwy 78 Cemetery Hill Segment is 4267.3 meters. This is a relatively long climb, but it is still doable for most cyclists.

Elevation Difference

The elevation difference of the Hwy 78 Cemetery Hill Segment is 114.4 meters. This is a relatively small elevation difference, but it can still be challenging for some cyclists.

Hwy 78 Cemetery Hill Segment

The Hwy 78 Cemetery Hill Segment is located in Vestavia Hills, AL. It has a climb category of 1, an average grade of 2.7%, a distance of 4267.3 meters, and an elevation difference of 114.4 meters.

Climb Category

The Hwy 78 Cemetery Hill Segment has a climb category of 1. This is the lowest possible climb category.

Average Grade

The Hwy 78 Cemetery Hill Segment has an average grade of 2.7%. This is a very gentle slope.


The Hwy 78 Cemetery Hill Segment has a distance of 4267.3 meters. This is a relatively short segment.

Elevation Difference

The Hwy 78 Cemetery Hill Segment has an elevation difference of 114.4 meters. This is a very small elevation gain.

The Hwy 78 Cemetery Hill segment located in Vestavia Hills, AL is a great climb for anyone looking for a challenge. With a climb category of 1, an average grade of 2.7%, a distance of 4267.3 meters, and an elevation difference of 114.4 meters, this segment is sure to test your limits. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a beginner, this segment is sure to give you a great workout. So, what are you waiting for? Get out there and give it a try!

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