Waterford Trail Strava Segment located in Fairbanks AK with 1% climb grade for 2.7 miles

The Waterford Trail Segment in Fairbanks, AK

The Waterford Trail Segment is located in Fairbanks, AK and has a climb category of 1, an average grade of 2.7%, a distance of 4157.2 meters, and an elevation difference of 117.5 meters. This trail is perfect for beginners or those looking for an easy hike with a beautiful view. The trailhead is located at the Water

The Waterford Trail Segment is a Great Way to Get Outside and Explore Fairbanks

The Waterford Trail Segment is a great way to get outside and explore Fairbanks. The segment is located in Fairbanks, AK and has a climb category of 1, an average grade of 2.7%, a distance of 4157.2 meters, and an elevation difference of 117.5 meters. The segment is a great way to get outside and explore Fairbanks. The segment is a great way to get outside and explore Fairbanks. The segment is a great way to get outside and explore Fairbanks.

The Waterford Trail Segment is a Great Way to Get Outside and Explore Fairbanks

The Waterford Trail Segment is a great way to get outside and explore Fairbanks. The segment is located in Fairbanks, AK and has a climb category of 1, an average grade of 2.7%, a distance of 4157.2 meters, and an elevation difference of 117.5 meters. The segment is a great way to get outside and explore Fairbanks. The segment is a great way to get outside and explore Fairbanks. The segment is a great way to get outside and explore Fairbanks.

The Waterford Trail Segment is a Great Way to Get Outside and Explore Fairbanks

The Waterford Trail Segment is a great way to get outside and explore Fairbanks. The segment is located in Fairbanks, AK and has a climb category of 1, an average grade of 2.7%, a distance of 4157.2 meters, and an elevation difference of 117.5 meters. The segment is a great way to get outside and explore Fairbanks. The segment is a great way to get outside and explore Fairbanks. The segment is a great way to get outside and explore Fairbanks.
The Waterford Trail Segment is a Great Way to Get Outside and Explore Fairbanks
The Waterford Trail Segment is a great way to get outside and explore Fairbanks. The segment is located in Fairbanks, AK and has a climb category of 1, an average grade of 2.7%, a distance of 4157.2 meters, and an elevation difference of 117.5 meters. The segment is a great way to get outside and explore Fairbanks. The segment is a great way to get outside and explore Fairbanks. The segment is a great way to get outside and explore Fairbanks. The Waterford Trail segment is a great option for those looking for a moderate challenge with a moderate grade. The segment is 4157.2 meters long with an elevation difference of 117.5 meters. The average grade is 2.7%.
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