Up Palisades Strava Segment located in Mesa AZ with 1% climb grade for 4.4 miles

The Up Palisades Segment in Mesa, AZ

The Up Palisades segment is located in Mesa, AZ and has a climb category of 1. It has an average grade of 4.4%, a distance of 2135.5 meters, and an elevation difference of 94.2 meters. This segment is a great ride for those looking for a challenge, as it is one of the longer segments in Mesa. It

Up Palisades Segment in Mesa, AZ

The Up Palisades segment is located in Mesa, AZ and has a climb category of 1. It has an average grade of 4.4%, a distance of 2135.5 meters, and an elevation difference of 94.2 meters.

How to Get There

The segment is located on the north side of the city, just east of Phoenix. To get there, take the US-60 E to N Power Rd in Mesa. Exit from US-60 E and follow N Power Rd to E Pecos Rd. The segment will be on your right.

The Segment

The segment is a short, but challenging climb. It is only 2135.5 meters, but has an elevation difference of 94.2 meters. The average grade is 4.4%, but there are some sections that are much steeper. The segment is fully paved and is in good condition.


The biggest challenge of the segment is the grade. There are some sections that are quite steep, so it can be difficult to maintain a good pace. The segment is also quite short, so it can be easy to go out too hard and then fade towards the end.


The segment is a great workout and a good challenge. It is also a good opportunity to practice your climbing. The segment is also located in a beautiful area, so you can enjoy the scenery as you climb.

The Up Palisades segment located in Mesa, AZ is a great climb for those looking for a challenge. With a climb category of 1, an average grade of 4.4%, a distance of 2135.5 meters, and an elevation difference of 94.2 meters, this segment is sure to give you a workout. Whether you're looking to test your limits or just enjoy a good challenge, the Up Palisades segment is definitely worth checking out.

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