Try to climb this as fast as you can Strava Segment located in Chandler AZ with 2% climb grade for 4.9 miles

Try to climb this as fast as you can

The Try to climb this as fast as you can segment located in Chandler, AZ is a challenging climb with a category of 2, an average grade of 4.9%, a distance of 5890.7 meters, and an elevation difference of 289.0 meters.

This is a great segment for those who are looking for a

Try to climb this as fast as you can

The Try to climb this as fast as you can segment located in Chandler, AZ is a great challenge for any cyclist. With a climb category of 2, an average grade of 4.9%, a distance of 5890.7 meters, and an elevation difference of 289.0 meters, this segment is sure to test your limits.

Whether you're looking for a personal challenge or you're trying to push yourself to the next level, the Try to climb this as fast as you can segment is a great way to do it. The average grade may not seem like much, but the distance and elevation difference make this a tough segment to conquer.

If you're up for the challenge, head on over to Chandler, AZ and see how fast you can climb this segment. Who knows, you may just surprise yourself.

If you're looking for a challenging climb in Chandler, AZ, the Try to climb this as fast as you can segment is a great option. With a climb category of 2, an average grade of 4.9%, and a distance of 5890.7 meters, it's sure to give you a good workout. And with an elevation difference of 289.0 meters, you can enjoy some great views from the top.

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