Toilet to Bench Strava Segment located in Gilbert AZ with 1% climb grade for 4.2 miles

Toilet to Bench Segment in Gilbert, AZ

The Toilet to Bench segment in Gilbert, AZ is a great ride for beginners and experienced cyclists alike. The segment has a climb category of 1, an average grade of 4.2%, a distance of 2282.9 meters, and an elevation difference of 98.5 meters. The Toilet to Bench segment is a great way to get some exercise and enjoy the scenery

Toilet to Bench

The Toilet to Bench segment is located in Gilbert, AZ with a climb category of 1, an average grade of 4.2%, a distance of 2282.9 meters, and an elevation difference of 98.5 meters.

This is a great segment for beginners because it's not too long or too difficult. The average grade is 4.2%, which means it's not too steep, and the distance is only 2282.9 meters, so it's not too long either. The segment starts at the Toilet Bowl, which is a popular spot for locals to take a break and enjoy the view. From there, it winds its way up to the Bench, where you can take in the 360-degree views of the city. This is a great segment to do if you're looking for a little bit of a challenge, but nothing too extreme.

The Toilet to Bench segment located in Gilbert, AZ is a great segment for beginner cyclists. The climb category is 1, the average grade is 4.2%, the distance is 2282.9 meters, and the elevation difference is 98.5 meters. This segment is a great way to get started in the sport of cycling.

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