Thompson Rd climb Strava Segment located in Decatur AL with 1% climb grade for 3.4 miles

The Thompson Rd Climb Segment: A Decatur, AL Favorite

The Thompson Rd climb segment, located in Decatur, AL, is a favorite among cyclists in the area. The climb has a category of 1, an average grade of 3.4%, a distance of 2465.6 meters, and an elevation difference of 83.8 meters. The segment is a great challenge for cyclists of all levels and is a great way to get some exercise in while enjoying the beautiful scenery of Decatur, AL.

The Thompson Rd climb segment is a great way to get some exercise in while enjoying the beautiful scenery of Decatur, AL. The segment is a great challenge for cyclists of all levels and is a great way to get some exercise in while enjoying the beautiful scenery of Decatur, AL.

Climbing Thompson Rd in Decatur, AL

Thompson Rd in Decatur, AL is a popular climb for cyclists in the area. The climb has a category of 1, an average grade of 3.4%, a distance of 2465.6 meters, and an elevation difference of 83.8 meters. The road is a popular destination for cyclists because of the challenging climb and the beautiful views of the surrounding area.

Challenging Climb

The average grade of 3.4% may not seem like much, but the distance of the climb (2465.6 meters) makes it a challenging ride. The elevation difference of 83.8 meters also makes it a difficult climb. The road is popular with cyclists because it is a challenging climb.

Beautiful Views

The views from Thompson Rd are beautiful. The road is located in Decatur, AL, which is a beautiful area. The road offers views of the surrounding area, including the mountains. The views are one of the reasons that the road is popular with cyclists.

Popular Road

Thompson Rd is a popular road with cyclists. The road is located in Decatur, AL, which is a popular area for cyclists. The road is popular because it is a challenging climb and because of the beautiful views.

The Thompson Rd climb segment located in Decatur, AL is a great climb for anyone looking for a challenge. With a climb category of 1, an average grade of 3.4%, a distance of 2465.6 meters, and an elevation difference of 83.8 meters, this climb is sure to test your limits. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a beginner, the Thompson Rd climb is a great way to push yourself and see what you're made of. So, if you're looking for a new climbing challenge, be sure to check out the Thompson Rd climb segment in Decatur, AL.
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