Sweet Gum Dr Climb Strava Segment located in Jonesboro AR with 1% climb grade for 12.3 miles

The Sweet Gum Climb in Jonesboro, AR

The Sweet Gum Climb is a 897.7 meter long climb with an average grade of 12.3%. It is located in Jonesboro, AR and has a climb category of 1. The elevation difference is 110.4 meters.

Climb Category

The Sweet Gum Climb has a

The Sweet Gum Dr Climb Segment located in Jonesboro, AR

The Sweet Gum Dr Climb Segment is a 1 category climb with an average grade of 12.3%. The distance is 897.7 meters and the elevation difference is 110.4 meters.

This climb is a great challenge for any cyclist looking to test their skills. The average grade is sure to test your endurance, and the distance is not to be taken lightly. But, the rewards for completing this segment are great. The views from the top are stunning, and the sense of accomplishment is unmatched.

So, if you're looking for a great cycling challenge, be sure to check out the Sweet Gum Dr Climb Segment in Jonesboro, AR.

The Sweet Gum Dr Climb segment located in Jonesboro, AR is a great climb for anyone looking for a challenge. With a climb category of 1, an average grade of 12.3%, a distance of 897.7 meters, and an elevation difference of 110.4 meters, this segment is sure to test your limits. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a first timer, the Sweet Gum Dr Climb is a great way to get your heart pumping and your legs burning. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and conquer the Sweet Gum Dr Climb!

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