Start of Long Loop w/Wash Climb Strava Segment located in Avondale AZ with 1% climb grade for 1.4 miles

Start of Long Loop w/Wash Climb Segment

The Start of Long Loop w/Wash Climb segment is located in Avondale, AZ. It has a climb category of 1, an average grade of 1.4%, a distance of 6076.3 meters, and an elevation difference of 93.8 meters. This segment is a great climb for beginner cyclists looking to get in a good workout.

Start of Long Loop w/Wash Climb Segment

The Start of Long Loop w/Wash Climb segment is located in Avondale, AZ and has a climb category of 1, an average grade of 1.4%, a distance of 6076.3 meters, and an elevation difference of 93.8 meters.

This is a great segment for those looking for a challenge. The average grade may not seem like much, but the distance and elevation difference make this a tough climb.

Whether you're looking to test your mettle or just enjoy a beautiful view, the Start of Long Loop w/Wash Climb segment is a great choice.

This is an excellent segment for beginners because it is short and has a very gradual incline. The Long Loop with Wash Climb is a great way to get started with road biking in Avondale, AZ.
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