Short Climb to Tanks Strava Segment located in Flagstaff AZ with 1% climb grade for 8.0 miles

Short Climb to Tanks Segment in Flagstaff, AZ

The Short Climb to Tanks segment in Flagstaff, AZ is a 1-mile climb with an average grade of 8.0%. It is a popular segment for cyclists and has an elevation difference of 81.5 meters. The segment is located on Highway 180 and is 1014.1 meters long.

Cycling in Flag

Short Climb to Tanks

The Short Climb to Tanks is located in Flagstaff, AZ with a climb category of 1, an average grade of 8.0%, a distance of 1014.1 meters, and an elevation difference of 81.5 meters.

This is a great climb for those looking for a challenge, as it is quite steep. However, the distance is not too long, so it is doable for most people. The views from the top are amazing, and it is definitely worth the effort to get to the top!

Tips for Climbing the Short Climb to Tanks

Here are a few tips to help you make it to the top of the Short Climb to Tanks:

  • Start out slowly and pace yourself. This climb is quite steep, so it is important not to burn yourself out too early on.
  • Make sure to stop and rest when you need to. There are a few flat sections along the way where you can take a break.
  • Keep your eyes on the prize! The views from the top are definitely worth the effort.

With these tips in mind, you should be able to make it to the top of the Short Climb to Tanks and enjoy the amazing views!

The Short Climb to Tanks segment in Flagstaff, AZ is a great climb for those looking for a challenge. With a climb category of 1, an average grade of 8.0%, and a distance of 1014.1 meters, this segment is sure to test your limits. However, the views from the top are well worth the effort, and the elevation difference of 81.5 meters will give you a new perspective on the area. Whether you're a local looking for a new adventure, or a visitor to the area, the Short Climb to Tanks is a must-do!

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