Shaw Butte Climb Strava Segment located in Glendale AZ with 1% climb grade for 8.9 miles

The Shaw Butte Climb Segment

The Shaw Butte Climb segment is located in Glendale, AZ and has a climb category of 1. It has an average grade of 8.9%, a distance of 1769.4 meters, and an elevation difference of 164.4 meters. This climb is a great way to get some exercise and enjoy the beautiful scenery of Glendale, AZ.


The Shaw Butte Climb Segment

The Shaw Butte Climb is a popular segment located in Glendale, AZ. The segment has a climb category of 1, an average grade of 8.9%, a distance of 1769.4 meters, and an elevation difference of 164.4 meters. The segment is popular with cyclists and is a great workout.

The Shaw Butte Climb

The Shaw Butte Climb is a popular segment located in Glendale, AZ. The segment has a climb category of 1, an average grade of 8.9%, a distance of 1769.4 meters, and an elevation difference of 164.4 meters. The segment is popular with cyclists and is a great workout. The segment starts at the base of Shaw Butte and climbs to the top. The segment is well-graded and is a great climb for cyclists of all levels.

The Shaw Butte Climb Segment

The Shaw Butte Climb is a popular segment located in Glendale, AZ. The segment has a climb category of 1, an average grade of 8.9%, a distance of 1769.4 meters, and an elevation difference of 164.4 meters. The segment is popular with cyclists and is a great workout. The segment starts at the base of Shaw Butte and climbs to the top. The segment is well-graded and is a great climb for cyclists of all levels. The segment offers great views of the surrounding area and is a great way to get in a workout.

The Shaw Butte Climb is a great way to get in some climbing while enjoying the scenery of Glendale, AZ. With a climb category of 1 and an average grade of 8.9%, it is a great climb for all levels of cyclists. The distance of 1769.4 meters and the elevation difference of 164.4 meters make it a challenging but doable climb.
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