Salty Bottom Road Climb Strava Segment located in Huntsville AL with 1% climb grade for 7.3 miles

The Salty Bottom Road Climb Segment in Huntsville, AL

The Salty Bottom Road Climb Segment is a 1289.3 meter long climb with an average grade of 7.3%. It is located in Huntsville, AL and has a climb category of 1. The elevation difference is 94.2 meters.

This climb is a great challenge for beginner cyclists looking to test their abilities. The average grade is not too steep, but the distance is significant. This climb is also a good choice for experienced cyclists looking for a relatively easy ride.

Huntsville is a great city to explore by bike, and the Salty Bottom Road Climb Segment is a great way to see some of the city's best views. The climb is located in a residential area, so be sure to wave to the friendly locals as you ride by!

The Salty Bottom Road Climb Segment

The Salty Bottom Road Climb Segment is located in Huntsville, AL with a climb category of 1, an average grade of 7.3%, a distance of 1289.3 meters, and an elevation difference of 94.2 meters.

The Course

The Salty Bottom Road Climb Segment is a short, but challenging climb. The average grade is 7.3%, but there are some sections that are much steeper. The total distance is 1289.3 meters, and the elevation difference is 94.2 meters. There are some great views of Huntsville from the top of the climb.

The Competition

The Salty Bottom Road Climb Segment is a popular segment on Strava, and there are always a few people vying for the KOM/QOM. The current KOM is held by Andrew Taylor with a time of 3:22. The current QOM is held by Sarah Crouch with a time of 3:54. Both of these times were set in 2019.

My Experience

I have attempted the Salty Bottom Road Climb Segment a few times, and my best time is 4:10. I usually go out too hard and then fade towards the end. I have also tried to ride it as a tempo effort, but I always end up going too hard and blowing up. I think my best strategy is to just go hard from the start and see what happens. I'll keep trying and hopefully I can get a PR soon.

The Salty Bottom Road Climb is a great segment for anyone looking to test their climbing skills. With a climb category of 1 and an average grade of 7.3%, it's a challenging but doable climb. The segment is 1289.3 meters long with an elevation difference of 94.2 meters, so it's a good workout even if you're not a seasoned climber. And the views from the top are definitely worth the effort!

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