S Gay St Climb Strava Segment located in Opelika AL with 1% climb grade for 23.5 miles

The S Gay St Climb Segment

The S Gay St Climb Segment is located in Opelika, AL with a climb category of 1, an average grade of 23.5%, a distance of 385.9 meters, and an elevation difference of 90.6 meters.

This climb is a great challenge for any cyclist looking to push themselves. The average grade is quite steep, making

S Gay St Climb Segment in Opelika, AL

The S Gay St Climb segment is located in Opelika, AL with a climb category of 1, an average grade of 23.5%, a distance of 385.9 meters, and an elevation difference of 90.6 meters.

Climb Category

The climb category is a measure of the difficulty of a climb. The S Gay St Climb segment has a climb category of 1, which is the easiest category. Segments with a higher climb category are typically longer and have a steeper average grade.

Average Grade

The average grade is the average percent grade of the segment. The S Gay St Climb segment has an average grade of 23.5%. This means that, on average, the segment is uphill by 23.5%.


The S Gay St Climb segment is 385.9 meters long. This is a relatively short segment, especially for a segment with a climb category of 1.

Elevation Difference

The elevation difference is the difference in elevation between the start and end of the segment. The S Gay St Climb segment has an elevation difference of 90.6 meters. This is a relatively small elevation difference for a segment with a climb category of 1.

The S Gay St Climb is one of the most challenging and rewarding segments in Opelika, AL. With a climb category of 1, an average grade of 23.5%, a distance of 385.9 meters, and an elevation difference of 90.6 meters, this segment is sure to test your limits. But the rewards are worth it, as the views from the top are simply breathtaking. So if you're looking for a challenge, and an amazing view, be sure to check out the S Gay St Climb.
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