Pilar climb to 1st windmill Strava Segment located in Kodiak AK with 2% climb grade for 9.1 miles

Kodiak, AK: Pilar Climb to 1st Windmill Segment

The Pilar climb to 1st windmill segment, located in Kodiak, AK, is a 2 category climb with an average grade of 9.1%. It is 3295.1 meters long with an elevation difference of 299.2 meters.

Climb Category


Kodiak, AK: Pilar Climb to 1st Windmill Segment

The Pilar climb to 1st windmill segment in Kodiak, AK is a challenging but rewarding climb with stunning views. The segment has a climb category of 2, an average grade of 9.1%, a distance of 3295.1 meters, and an elevation difference of 299.2 meters.

The Pilar climb is a great workout and a great way to see the beautiful scenery of Kodiak. The views from the top are incredible and worth the effort. The segment is challenging but doable for most people with a good level of fitness. I would recommend this segment to anyone looking for a great workout and an amazing view.

The Pilar climb to 1st windmill segment is a tough one, but it's definitely doable if you're prepared. The average grade is 9.1%, so you'll need to be in good shape to make it to the top. The distance is 3295.1 meters, and the elevation difference is 299.2 meters, so you'll need to be prepared for a long, tough climb. But if you're up for the challenge, the Pilar climb to 1st windmill segment is a great way to test your mettle.
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