Pevine Falls Road - Gate to Overlook Strava Segment located in Hoover AL with 1% climb grade for 2.7 miles

Pevine Falls Road - Gate to Overlook

Pevine Falls Road - Gate to Overlook is a beautiful, scenic road located in Hoover, AL. The road has a climb category of 1, an average grade of 2.7%, a distance of 5219.0 meters, and an elevation difference of 141.3 meters. The views from the road are absolutely stunning, and the road is perfect for a leisurely drive or a nice, long walk.

Things to Do on Pevine Falls Road - Gate to Overlook

There are plenty of things to do on Pevine Falls Road - Gate to Overlook. You can take a leisurely drive down the road and take in the stunning scenery, or you can go for a nice, long walk and really take your time to enjoy the views. There are also plenty of picnic areas along the road, so you can stop and have a picnic lunch while enjoying the views.

Why You Should Visit Pevine Falls Road - Gate to Overlook

Pevine Falls Road - Gate to Overlook is a must-visit for anyone who loves scenic drives or walks. The views from the road are absolutely breathtaking, and the road itself is very peaceful and calming. If you're looking for a place to relax and enjoy nature, Pevine Falls Road - Gate to Overlook is the perfect place for you.

Pevine Falls Road - Gate to Overlook

The Pevine Falls Road - Gate to Overlook segment is located in Hoover, AL. It has a climb category of 1, an average grade of 2.7%, a distance of 5219.0 meters, and an elevation difference of 141.3 meters. This segment is a great option for those looking for a challenging climb with beautiful views.

Climb Category

The Pevine Falls Road - Gate to Overlook segment has a climb category of 1. This means that it is a relatively easy climb, suitable for beginner to intermediate riders. The average grade of 2.7% is also relatively easy, meaning that the road is not too steep.

Distance and Elevation

The Pevine Falls Road - Gate to Overlook segment is 5219.0 meters long and has an elevation difference of 141.3 meters. This means that it is a relatively short climb, but with a decent amount of elevation gain.


The Pevine Falls Road - Gate to Overlook segment is a great option for those looking for a challenging climb with beautiful views. It is a relatively easy climb, with a climb category of 1 and an average grade of 2.7%. It is also a relatively short climb, at 5219.0 meters, with an elevation difference of 141.3 meters.

Pevine Falls Road - Gate to Overlook is a great segment for those looking for a challenge with a climb category of 1 and an average grade of 2.7%. The segment is 5219.0 meters long with an elevation difference of 141.3 meters. This segment is sure to give you a great workout and the views from the overlook are definitely worth the effort!

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