NE climb Strava Segment located in Goodyear AZ with 1% climb grade for 5.1 miles

The NE Climb Segment in Goodyear, AZ

The NE Climb Segment in Goodyear, AZ is a 1 category climb with an average grade of 5.1%. It is 2308.4 meters long and has an elevation difference of 117.1 meters. This climb is a great challenge for experienced cyclists looking for a workout in the Goodyear area.

What to Expect

The NE climb segment located in Goodyear, AZ

With a climb category of 1, an average grade of 5.1%, a distance of 2308.4 meters, and an elevation difference of 117.1 meters, the NE climb segment located in Goodyear, AZ is a great place to ride your bike. The views from the top of the segment are amazing, and the challenge of the climb is sure to get your heart pumping. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, this segment is sure to give you a great ride.

After riding the NE climb segment in Goodyear, AZ, I can say that it is a great climb for anyone looking for a challenge. The average grade is 5.1%, the distance is 2308.4 meters, and the elevation difference is 117.1 meters. I would definitely recommend this segment to anyone looking to test their climbing skills.
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