MBAA Marathon Second climb Strava Segment located in Goodyear AZ with 1% climb grade for 1.4 miles

The MBAA Marathon Second Climb Segment

The MBAA Marathon Second Climb Segment is located in Goodyear, AZ. It has a climb category of 1, an average grade of 1.4%, a distance of 7318.8 meters, and an elevation difference of 108.8 meters. This segment is a great challenge for beginner cyclists who are looking to improve their climbing skills.


The MBAA Marathon Second Climb Segment

The MBAA Marathon Second Climb Segment is located in Goodyear, AZ. It is a 1-mile climb with an average grade of 1.4%. The total elevation difference for the segment is 108.8 meters.

The Challenge

This segment is a great challenge for any runner looking to improve their climbing ability. The average grade is not too steep, but the distance is significant. This is a great opportunity to work on your endurance and push yourself to new limits.

The Reward

The reward for completing this segment is the satisfaction of knowing you conquered a difficult climb. This is a great accomplishment and will give you the confidence to tackle any other challenges that come your way.

The MBAA Marathon Second Climb segment located in Goodyear, AZ is a challenging but fun climb. The average grade is 1.4% and the distance is 7318.8 meters. The elevation difference is 108.8 meters. This segment is a great workout and a great way to see the beautiful scenery of the area.

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