Lower Brookbank Climb Strava Segment located in Flagstaff AZ with 2% climb grade for 13.1 miles

The Lower Brookbank Climb Segment in Flagstaff, AZ

The Lower Brookbank Climb Segment is a popular cycling route in Flagstaff, AZ. The segment has a climb category of 2, an average grade of 13.1%, a distance of 1328.4 meters, and an elevation difference of 175.2 meters. The segment is popular with cyclists of all levels, from beginners to experienced riders. The segment

The Lower Brookbank Climb: A Challenge for Cyclists in Flagstaff, AZ

The Lower Brookbank Climb is a popular segment for cyclists in Flagstaff, AZ. The segment has a climb category of 2, an average grade of 13.1%, a distance of 1328.4 meters, and an elevation difference of 175.2 meters. The segment is popular because it is a challenging climb that tests the limits of cyclists.

The Lower Brookbank Climb is a great segment for cyclists who are looking for a challenge. The segment is popular because it is a challenging climb that tests the limits of cyclists. The segment has a climb category of 2, an average grade of 13.1%, a distance of 1328.4 meters, and an elevation difference of 175.2 meters.

Cyclists who are looking for a challenge will find that the Lower Brookbank Climb is a great segment. The segment has a climb category of 2, an average grade of 13.1%, a distance of 1328.4 meters, and an elevation difference of 175.2 meters. The segment is popular because it is a challenging climb that tests the limits of cyclists.

Tips for Cyclists

Cyclists who are looking to challenge themselves on the Lower Brookbank Climb should keep the following tips in mind:

  • Start out slowly and build up your speed as you go. The segment is long, and you don't want to burn yourself out early on.
  • Make sure you have plenty of water and snacks with you. The segment is challenging, and you will need to refuel your body as you go.
  • Keep your eyes on the road. The segment is steep, and you will need to be aware of your surroundings at all times.
  • Enjoy the challenge! The Lower Brookbank Climb is a great segment, and it is sure to test your limits.

The Lower Brookbank Climb is a great segment for anyone looking for a challenge. With a climb category of 2, an average grade of 13.1%, and a distance of 1328.4 meters, this segment is sure to test your limits. But the rewards are worth it, with an elevation difference of 175.2 meters that gives you some of the best views in Flagstaff. So if you're looking for a new segment to tackle, be sure to check out the Lower Brookbank Climb.

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