Lazy Mountain Strava Segment located in Palmer AK with 1% climb grade for 5.9 miles

Lazy Mountain Segment in Palmer, AK

The Lazy Mountain segment is located in Palmer, AK and is a climb category 1 with an average grade of 5.9%. The distance of the segment is 2624.1 meters and the elevation difference is 169.4 meters. This is a great segment for beginners who are looking to get into mountain biking. The segment is also great for those who are looking for a challenge.

Lazy Mountain Segment in Palmer, AK

The Lazy Mountain segment located in Palmer, AK is a great choice for a beginner cyclist. With a climb category of 1, an average grade of 5.9%, a distance of 2624.1 meters, and an elevation difference of 169.4 meters, this segment is perfect for someone just starting out. The scenery is also beautiful, with views of the Chugach Mountains and the Matanuska River.

How to Get There

The Lazy Mountain segment is located just off the Glenn Highway, about 45 minutes north of Anchorage. To get there, take the Palmer-Wasilla exit and follow the signs for Lazy Mountain Road. The segment starts at the Lazy Mountain trailhead and follows the road up to the summit.

What to Expect

The Lazy Mountain segment is a great choice for a beginner cyclist. With a climb category of 1, an average grade of 5.9%, a distance of 2624.1 meters, and an elevation difference of 169.4 meters, this segment is perfect for someone just starting out. The scenery is also beautiful, with views of the Chugach Mountains and the Matanuska River.

Tips for Success

Here are a few tips to help you make the most of your ride on the Lazy Mountain segment:

  • Start early in the day to avoid the heat of the afternoon sun.
  • Bring plenty of water and snacks to keep your energy up.
  • Wear sunscreen and a hat to protect your skin from the sun.

With a little planning and preparation, you'll be sure to have a great time on the Lazy Mountain segment.

Lazy Mountain is one of the most popular climbs in Palmer, AK. It is a great climb for beginners with a moderate grade of 5.9%. The distance is 2624.1 meters and the elevation difference is 169.4 meters. This is a great climb to do if you are looking for a moderate challenge with beautiful views.
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