Green Mtn Backside Strava Segment located in Huntsville AL with 2% climb grade for 12.3 miles

The Green Mtn Backside Segment

The Green Mountain Backside Segment is located in Huntsville, AL with a climb category of 2, an average grade of 12.3%, a distance of 1904.6 meters, and an elevation difference of 233.8 meters. This is a popular segment for cyclists looking for a challenge. The segment is relatively short, but the average grade is quite steep.

Things to Know Before You Go

Before you attempt the Green Mountain Backside Segment, there are a few things you should know. First, the segment is located in Huntsville, AL. The segment is also part of the popular Green Mountain climb, which is a longer and more difficult climb. Second, the segment is quite short, but the average grade is very steep. Finally, the segment has an elevation difference of 233.8 meters.

How to Train for the Green Mountain Backside Segment

If you're looking to train for the Green Mountain Backside Segment, there are a few things you can do. First, make sure you're comfortable riding in hilly terrain. Second, build up your endurance by riding longer distances. Third, work on your climbing by doing some hill repeats. Finally, make sure you're comfortable with the distance of the segment.

What to Expect on the Green Mountain Backside Segment

When you're riding the Green Mountain Backside Segment, you can expect a few things. First, the segment is relatively short, but the average grade is quite steep. Second, the segment has an elevation difference of 233.8 meters. Finally, the segment is located in Huntsville, AL.

Tips for Riding the Green Mountain Backside Segment

If you're looking for some tips on how to ride the Green Mountain Backside Segment, here are a few. First, make sure you're comfortable riding in hilly terrain. Second, build up your endurance by riding longer distances. Third, work on your climbing by doing some hill repeats. Finally, make sure you're comfortable with the distance of the segment.

Green Mtn Backside Segment Overview

The Green Mtn Backside segment is located in Huntsville, AL and is a category 2 climb with an average grade of 12.3%. The segment is 1904.6 meters long with an elevation difference of 233.8 meters.

Climbing Green Mtn Backside

The Green Mtn Backside segment is a great climb for those looking for a challenge. The average grade is 12.3%, so it is a steep climb. The segment is 1904.6 meters long, so it is a good workout. The elevation difference is 233.8 meters, so it is a good way to get some elevation gain.

Training for Green Mtn Backside

If you are looking to train for the Green Mtn Backside segment, you should focus on hill repeats. Find a hill that is similar in grade and distance to the segment and do repeats. This will help you build the endurance and strength you need to complete the segment.

Green Mtn Backside Segment Tips

Here are some tips for climbing the Green Mtn Backside segment:

  • Start slow and steady. The segment is long and steep, so you need to pace yourself. If you go out too hard, you will not make it to the top.
  • Focus on your breathing. It is important to keep your breathing under control when climbing. Taking deep breaths will help you keep your energy up.
  • Keep your head up. It is easy to get discouraged when you are looking at the ground, so keep your head up and focus on the top of the hill.

Green Mtn Backside Segment Strava

You can find the Green Mtn Backside segment on Strava at the following link:

The Green Mtn Backside segment is a great climb for anyone looking for a challenge. With a climb category of 2 and an average grade of 12.3%, this segment is sure to test your limits. But with a distance of 1904.6 meters and an elevation difference of 233.8 meters, the Green Mtn Backside segment is a great way to get your heart rate up and your legs burning. So if you're looking for a great segment to test your limits, look no further than the Green Mtn Backside segment.

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