Gila Saddle Climb Full tp Strava Segment located in Tempe AZ with 1% climb grade for 7.7 miles

The Gila Saddle Climb Full tp segment located in Tempe, AZ

The Gila Saddle Climb is a popular road cycling route located in Tempe, AZ. The route is 12.9 miles long with an average grade of 7.7%. The climb category is 1 and the elevation difference is 100.1 meters. The route is popular among road cyclists because it provides a challenge while still being relatively short

Gila Saddle Climb Full tp segment located in Tempe, AZ

The Gila Saddle Climb is a popular cycling route located in Tempe, AZ. The climb has a climb category of 1, an average grade of 7.7%, a distance of 1294.9 meters, and an elevation difference of 100.1 meters. The route is popular among cyclists because of its challenging terrain and beautiful views.

Challenging Terrain

The Gila Saddle Climb is a challenging route for cyclists. The average grade of the climb is 7.7%, which is a steep grade. The distance of the climb is also long, at 1294.9 meters. This makes the Gila Saddle Climb a challenging route for cyclists who are looking for a challenge.

Beautiful Views

The Gila Saddle Climb is also popular among cyclists because of the beautiful views. The route takes cyclists through some of the most beautiful scenery in Tempe, AZ. Cyclists will be able to enjoy views of the mountains, desert, and city. The Gila Saddle Climb is a great route for cyclists who are looking for a challenging ride with beautiful views.

The Gila Saddle Climb is a great way to get in some climbing practice without having to travel too far. The views from the top are also fantastic, making it worth the effort. If you're looking for a challenging but rewarding climb, the Gila Saddle Climb is definitely worth checking out.

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