Get to the Pointe Strava Segment located in Surprise AZ with 1% climb grade for 7.7 miles

Get to the Pointe Segment in Surprise, AZ

The Get to the Pointe segment is a popular choice for cyclists in the Surprise, AZ area. It has a climb category of 1, an average grade of 7.7%, a distance of 2046.9 meters, and an elevation difference of 157.0 meters. This makes it a great choice for those looking for a challenging ride.


Get to the Pointe Segment in Surprise, AZ

The Get to the Pointe segment is located in Surprise, AZ with a climb category of 1, an average grade of 7.7%, a distance of 2046.9 meters, and an elevation difference of 157.0 meters.

This is a great segment for anyone looking to get a taste of what riding in Surprise, AZ is like. The average grade is not too steep, but there are some sections that will get your heart rate up. The distance is also manageable, making it a great option for a quick ride.

One thing to keep in mind is that the elevation difference can be deceiving. While 157 meters may not sound like much, it can make a big difference in how challenging the segment is. If you're looking for a real challenge, try to see how fast you can complete this segment!

The Get to the Pointe segment in Surprise, AZ is a great climb for beginner to intermediate level cyclists. The segment is only 2046.9 meters long with an average grade of 7.7%. The segment has a climb category of 1 and an elevation difference of 157.0 meters. I would definitely recommend this segment to anyone looking for a challenging but doable climb in the Surprise, AZ area.

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