gates pass climb Strava Segment located in Tucson AZ with 1% climb grade for 4.2 miles

The Gates Pass Climb Segment in Tucson, AZ

The Gates Pass Climb Segment is located in Tucson, AZ and has a climb category of 1. It has an average grade of 4.2% and a distance of 3546.0 meters. The elevation difference is 150.2 meters. This is a great climb for those who are looking for a challenge.


The Gates Pass Climb Segment in Tucson, Arizona

The Gates Pass Climb Segment is located in Tucson, Arizona and has a climb category of 1. The average grade of the segment is 4.2% and it has a distance of 3546.0 meters. The elevation difference is 150.2 meters.

This segment is a great climb for those who are looking for a challenge. The distance and elevation difference make it a great workout. The views from the top are also amazing. If you are looking for a great climb to do in Tucson, this is the segment for you.

The Gates Pass climb segment located in Tucson, AZ is a difficult but rewarding climb. With a climb category of 1, an average grade of 4.2%, a distance of 3546.0 meters, and an elevation difference of 150.2 meters, it is not for the faint of heart. But the views from the top are well worth the effort, and the sense of accomplishment from conquering this climb is second to none.

So, if you're looking for a challenging and scenic climb in Tucson, AZ, Gates Pass is the perfect spot. Just be sure to bring your camera to capture the incredible views from the top!

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