Full Adero Canyon Strava Segment located in Tempe AZ with 2% climb grade for 3.5 miles

The Full Adero Canyon Segment in Tempe, AZ

The Full Adero Canyon segment is located in Tempe, AZ and has a climb category of 2, an average grade of 3.5%, a distance of 6441.0 meters, and an elevation difference of 225.0 meters. This segment is a great ride for those looking for a challenge, as it is one of the longer and more difficult

The Full Adero Canyon Segment in Tempe, Arizona

The Full Adero Canyon Segment is a 6441.0 meter long climb with an average grade of 3.5%. It is located in Tempe, Arizona and has a climb category of 2. The elevation difference is 225.0 meters.

The Segment

The Full Adero Canyon Segment is a 6441.0 meter long climb with an average grade of 3.5%. It is located in Tempe, Arizona and has a climb category of 2. The elevation difference is 225.0 meters. The segment starts at the base of Adero Canyon and climbs to the top. There are a few short sections of flat road, but most of the segment is uphill.

Climbing Category

The Full Adero Canyon Segment has a climb category of 2. This means that it is a relatively easy climb. The average grade is 3.5%, which is not too steep. The elevation difference is 225.0 meters, which is not too high.

Getting to the Segment

The Full Adero Canyon Segment is located in Tempe, Arizona. To get to the segment, take the Adero Canyon Road exit off of Highway 60. Head north on Adero Canyon Road for about 1.5 miles. The segment will start at the base of the canyon.

What to Expect

The Full Adero Canyon Segment is a relatively easy climb. The average grade is 3.5%, which is not too steep. The elevation difference is 225.0 meters, which is not too high. There are a few short sections of flat road, but most of the segment is uphill.

The Adero Canyon segment is a great climb for anyone living in or visiting Tempe, AZ. The average grade is 3.5%, making it a moderate climb, and the distance is 6441.0 meters. The elevation difference is 225.0 meters, so it's not a huge climb, but it's still a great workout.
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