Eklutna Lake Rd Climb Full Strava Segment located in Wasilla AK with 3% climb grade for 5.8 miles

Eklutna Lake Rd Climb Full Segment

The Eklutna Lake Rd Climb Full segment is located in Wasilla, AK. It is a climb category 3 with an average grade of 5.8%. The distance is 6342.1 meters and the elevation difference is 368.6 meters.


The Ekl

Eklutna Lake Rd Climb Full Segment

The Eklutna Lake Rd Climb Full Segment is located in Wasilla, AK and has a climb category of 3. The average grade is 5.8% and the distance is 6342.1 meters. The elevation difference is 368.6 meters.

Climb Category

The Eklutna Lake Rd Climb Full Segment has a climb category of 3. This is considered a difficult climb and is not recommended for beginners. The average grade is 5.8% and the distance is 6342.1 meters. The elevation difference is 368.6 meters.

Average Grade

The average grade of the Eklutna Lake Rd Climb Full Segment is 5.8%. This is considered a difficult climb and is not recommended for beginners. The distance is 6342.1 meters and the elevation difference is 368.6 meters.


The Eklutna Lake Rd Climb Full Segment is 6342.1 meters long. This is considered a difficult climb and is not recommended for beginners. The average grade is 5.8% and the elevation difference is 368.6 meters.

Elevation Difference

The elevation difference of the Eklutna Lake Rd Climb Full Segment is 368.6 meters. This is considered a difficult climb and is not recommended for beginners. The average grade is 5.8% and the distance is 6342.1 meters.

The Eklutna Lake Rd Climb Full segment located in Wasilla, AK is a challenging climb with a category of 3, an average grade of 5.8%, a distance of 6342.1 meters, and an elevation difference of 368.6 meters. Despite the difficulty, it is a popular climb with cyclists because of the stunning views of Eklutna Lake. The climb is definitely worth the effort!

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