East Roosevelt Road Climb Strava Segment located in Little Rock AR with 2% climb grade for 31.1 miles

East Roosevelt Road Climb Segment

The East Roosevelt Road Climb Segment is located in Little Rock, AR. It has a climb category of 2, an average grade of 31.1%, a distance of 736.8 meters, and an elevation difference of 229.2 meters.

Climb Category

The East Roosevelt Road Climb

Welcome to the East Roosevelt Road Climb Segment!

This climb is located in Little Rock, AR and has a climb category of 2. The average grade is 31.1% and the distance is 736.8 meters. The elevation difference is 229.2 meters.

This segment is sure to challenge you, but the views at the top are worth it!

Tips for Success

Here are a few tips to help you make it to the top:

  • Start slow and steady. This is a long climb and you don't want to burn out halfway through.
  • Find a good rhythm and stick with it. You'll be tempted to go faster, but maintain a pace you can sustain for the entire segment.
  • Keep your head up. It's easy to get discouraged when you're looking at how much further you have to go, but remember that you're making progress with each pedal stroke.

What to Expect

Here's what you can expect when you're tackling this segment:

  • A long, steady climb with a few brief respites.
  • Beautiful views of Little Rock and the surrounding area.
  • A sense of accomplishment when you reach the top!

Final Thoughts

Climbing can be a tough endeavor, but it's so rewarding. The East Roosevelt Road Climb Segment is a great way to challenge yourself and see some amazing views. We hope you have a great time!

The East Roosevelt Road Climb is a great climb for anyone looking for a challenge. The average grade is 31.1%, and the distance is 736.8 meters. The elevation difference is 229.2 meters. This climb is sure to test your limits and push you to your limits.
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