Eaglecrest Base to top of Black Bear Strava Segment located in Juneau AK with 3% climb grade for 13.9 miles

Eaglecrest Base to top of Black Bear segment

The Eaglecrest Base to top of Black Bear segment is located in Juneau, AK and has a climb category of 3. It has an average grade of 13.9%, a distance of 3230.5 meters, and an elevation difference of 449.4 meters.

This segment is a great challenge for experienced cyclists looking for

Eaglecrest Base to top of Black Bear segment located in Juneau, AK

The Eaglecrest Base to top of Black Bear segment is a 3230.5 meter long climb with an average grade of 13.9%. It is located in Juneau, AK and has a climb category of 3. The elevation difference between the base and the top is 449.4 meters.

This segment is a great workout for anyone looking to get in some hill repeats. The grade is challenging but not too steep, and the distance is just long enough to get in a good workout. There are some great views of downtown Juneau and the surrounding mountains from the top of the segment.

If you're looking for a challenge, try to see how many times you can climb this segment in one day. It's a great way to test your endurance and see how your body responds to repeated climbs.

The Eaglecrest Base to top of Black Bear segment is a great climb for anyone looking for a challenge. With a climb category of 3, an average grade of 13.9%, a distance of 3230.5 meters, and an elevation difference of 449.4 meters, this segment is sure to give you a workout. And, with stunning views of Juneau and the surrounding area, it's a great way to take in the beauty of Alaska. So, whether you're looking for a tough climb or just a beautiful hike, the Eaglecrest Base to top of Black Bear segment is a great choice.

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