DC to Helipad Strava Segment located in Phoenix AZ with 1% climb grade for 8.5 miles

DC to Helipad Segment in Phoenix, AZ

The DC to Helipad segment in Phoenix, AZ is a 1176.3 meter long climb with an average grade of 8.5%. It has a climb category of 1 and an elevation difference of 100.0 meters. This segment is a great challenge for beginner cyclists looking to improve their hill climbing skills.

How to Train

The DC to Helipad Segment

The DC to Helipad segment located in Phoenix, AZ is a 1 climb category with an average grade of 8.5%. The segment is 1176.3 meters long with an elevation difference of 100.0 meters.

The Segment

The DC to Helipad segment is a great challenge for any cyclist. The average grade is 8.5% and the segment is 1176.3 meters long. The segment has a climb category of 1, which means it is a great challenge for any cyclist.

The Location

The DC to Helipad segment is located in Phoenix, AZ. Phoenix is a great city for cycling with many challenging segments. The DC to Helipad segment is located in the heart of Phoenix and is a great challenge for any cyclist.

The Challenge

The DC to Helipad segment is a great challenge for any cyclist. The average grade is 8.5% and the segment is 1176.3 meters long. The segment has a climb category of 1, which means it is a great challenge for any cyclist. The DC to Helipad segment is a great challenge for any cyclist looking for a challenge in Phoenix, AZ.

The DC to Helipad segment located in Phoenix, AZ is a great segment for those looking for a challenge. With a climb category of 1, an average grade of 8.5%, a distance of 1176.3 meters, and an elevation difference of 100.0 meters, this segment is sure to give you a workout.

Whether you're looking to test your limits or just want to enjoy a scenic ride, the DC to Helipad segment is a great option. Thanks for reading and happy riding!

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