CR39 (AL14 to CR85) Strava Segment located in Montgomery AL with 1% climb grade for 1.0 miles

CR39 (AL14 to CR85) Segment in Montgomery, AL

The CR39 (AL14 to CR85) segment in Montgomery, AL is a 10162.1 meter long climb with an average grade of 1.0%. It has a climb category of 1 and an elevation difference of 103.8 meters.

Climb Category

The CR39 (AL14 to CR85) segment in Montgomery, AL has a climb category of 1. This means that it is a short, steep climb. The average grade of the segment is 1.0%.

Elevation Difference

The CR39 (AL14 to CR85) segment in Montgomery, AL has an elevation difference of 103.8 meters. This means that the segment is 103.8 meters higher at the end than it is at the beginning.


The CR39 (AL14 to CR85) segment in Montgomery, AL is 10162.1 meters long. This is the distance that the segment covers from start to finish.

The CR39 (AL14 to CR85) Segment in Montgomery, AL

The CR39 (AL14 to CR85) segment in Montgomery, AL is a 10162.1 meter long climb with a grade of 1.0%. The elevation difference is 103.8 meters. This segment has a climb category of 1.

Climb Category

The CR39 (AL14 to CR85) segment has a climb category of 1. This means that it is a relatively easy climb. The average grade of 1.0% is relatively gentle, and the distance is not too long.

Elevation Difference

The elevation difference for the CR39 (AL14 to CR85) segment is 103.8 meters. This is not a very large elevation difference, but it is enough to make the segment worth doing for those who are looking for a bit of a challenge.


The distance of the CR39 (AL14 to CR85) segment is 10162.1 meters. This is a relatively long segment, but it is still manageable for most people. It is worth doing for those who are looking for a bit of a challenge.


The CR39 (AL14 to CR85) segment in Montgomery, AL is a 10162.1 meter long climb with a grade of 1.0%. The elevation difference is 103.8 meters. This segment has a climb category of 1. This means that it is a relatively easy climb. The average grade of 1.0% is relatively gentle, and the distance is not too long. The elevation difference for the CR39 (AL14 to CR85) segment is 103.8 meters. This is not a very large elevation difference, but it is enough to make the segment worth doing for those who are looking for a bit of a challenge. The distance of the CR39 (AL14 to CR85) segment is 10162.1 meters. This is a relatively long segment, but it is still manageable for most people. It is worth doing for those who are looking for a bit of a challenge.

The CR39 (AL14 to CR85) segment in Montgomery, AL is a great road for a beginner cyclist. The climb category is 1, the average grade is 1.0%, the distance is 10162.1 meters, and the elevation difference is 103.8 meters. This road is a great place to start your cycling journey.

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