County Road 42 Climb Strava Segment located in Florence AL with 1% climb grade for 7.9 miles

The County Road 42 Climb Segment in Florence, AL

The County Road 42 Climb is a popular segment located in Florence, AL. The segment has a climb category of 1, an average grade of 7.9%, a distance of 1076.4 meters, and an elevation difference of 85.0 meters. The segment is popular among cyclists and is a great workout.

The County Road 42 Climb

The County Road 42 Climb is a popular segment located in Florence, AL. The segment has a climb category of 1, an average grade of 7.9%, a distance of 1076.4 meters, and an elevation difference of 85.0 meters. The segment is popular among cyclists and is a great workout.

The County Road 42 Climb Segment in Florence, AL

The County Road 42 Climb is a popular segment located in Florence, AL. The segment has a climb category of 1, an average grade of 7.9%, a distance of 1076.4 meters, and an elevation difference of 85.0 meters. The segment is popular among cyclists and is a great workout.

The County Road 42 Climb

The County Road 42 Climb is a popular segment located in Florence, AL. The segment has a climb category of 1, an average grade of 7.9%, a distance of 1076.4 meters, and an elevation difference of 85.0 meters. The segment is popular among cyclists and is a great workout.

The County Road 42 Climb Segment in Florence, AL: A Challenge for Any Cyclist

The County Road 42 Climb in Florence, AL is one of the most challenging cycling segments in the area. With a climb category of 1, an average grade of 7.9%, a distance of 1076.4 meters, and an elevation difference of 85.0 meters, this segment is sure to test any cyclist's mettle.

However, the rewards for completing this segment are great. The views from the top of the climb are breathtaking, and the sense of accomplishment that comes from conquering such a challenging segment is second to none.

So, if you're looking for a challenge, and you're up for a bit of a sufferfest, the County Road 42 Climb in Florence, AL is the segment for you!

The County Road 42 Climb is a great segment for those looking for a challenge. With a climb category of 1, an average grade of 7.9%, a distance of 1076.4 meters, and an elevation difference of 85.0 meters, this segment is sure to test your limits. However, the rewards are well worth the effort, as the views from the top are simply breathtaking. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a first-time rider, the County Road 42 Climb is definitely worth checking out.

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