Coose Hollow Dr Climb Strava Segment located in Bentonville AR with 1% climb grade for 4.8 miles

Coose Hollow Dr Climb Segment

The Coose Hollow Dr Climb segment is a 1-mile long climb located in Bentonville, AR with an average grade of 4.8%. It has a distance of 1710.6 meters and an elevation difference of 81.8 meters. This climb is a great workout for any cyclist looking to improve their climbing skills.

How to

Coose Hollow Dr Climb Segment - Bentonville, AR

The Coose Hollow Dr Climb segment is located in Bentonville, AR and has a climb category of 1. It has an average grade of 4.8%, a distance of 1710.6 meters, and an elevation difference of 81.8 meters.

Climb Category

The Coose Hollow Dr Climb segment has a climb category of 1. This means that it is a relatively easy climb that is suitable for most cyclists.

Average Grade

The Coose Hollow Dr Climb segment has an average grade of 4.8%. This means that the average gradient of the segment is 4.8%.


The Coose Hollow Dr Climb segment has a distance of 1710.6 meters. This means that it is a relatively long segment.

Elevation Difference

The Coose Hollow Dr Climb segment has an elevation difference of 81.8 meters. This means that the segment has an overall elevation gain of 81.8 meters.

The Coose Hollow Dr Climb segment is a great climb for anyone visiting Bentonville, AR. The climb category is 1, the average grade is 4.8%, the distance is 1710.6 meters, and the elevation difference is 81.8 meters. This is a great segment for anyone looking to get some climbing in while visiting Bentonville.

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