Chapel Rd. Preserve to Park Strava Segment located in Alabaster AL with 1% climb grade for 3.9 miles

Chapel Road Preserve to Park Segment

The Chapel Road Preserve to Park Segment is located in Alabaster, AL and has a climb category of 1, an average grade of 3.9%, a distance of 3952.9 meters, and an elevation difference of 154.8 meters. This segment is a great option for those looking for a challenge, as it is one of the more difficult segments in the area.

Climb Category

The Chapel Road Preserve to Park Segment has a climb category of 1, which means it is a relatively difficult segment. The average grade of 3.9% makes it a challenging segment for even the most experienced cyclists.

Distance and Elevation

The Chapel Road Preserve to Park Segment is 3952.9 meters long and has an elevation difference of 154.8 meters. This segment is one of the longer ones in the area, so be prepared for a bit of a workout!

Alabaster, AL

Alabaster is a city in Shelby County, Alabama, United States. It is part of the Birmingham metropolitan area. As of the 2010 census, the population was 30,352. Alabaster is known for its white marble quarries, from which the city derives its name.

The Chapel Rd. Preserve to Park Segment located in Alabaster, AL

The Chapel Rd. Preserve to Park Segment is a great place to ride your bike with a climb category of 1, an average grade of 3.9%, a distance of 3952.9 meters, and an elevation difference of 154.8 meters. This segment is located in Alabaster, AL and is a great place to ride your bike. There are many great things to see and do in Alabaster, AL, and this segment is a great way to see some of the best that the city has to offer.

Things to See and Do in Alabaster, AL

There are many great things to see and do in Alabaster, AL. Some of the best things to see and do in Alabaster, AL include:

  • Visit the Alabaster City Schools
  • Ride your bike on the Chapel Rd. Preserve to Park Segment
  • Visit the Alabaster Animal Shelter
  • Check out the Alabaster Arts Council
  • Explore the Alabaster Historic District

Alabaster City Schools

The Alabaster City Schools are some of the best in the state of Alabama. The schools in the Alabaster City School District are:

  • Alabaster Elementary School
  • Thompson Intermediate School
  • Southside Middle School
  • Thompson High School

Alabaster Animal Shelter

The Alabaster Animal Shelter is a great place to visit if you love animals. The Alabaster Animal Shelter is a no-kill shelter that takes in all kinds of animals, including dogs, cats, rabbits, and more. The Alabaster Animal Shelter also has a low-cost spay/neuter clinic that can help you keep your pet healthy and happy.

Alabaster Arts Council

The Alabaster Arts Council is a great place to go if you're looking for a creative outlet. The Alabaster Arts Council offers classes and workshops in a variety of different mediums, including painting, pottery, and more. The Alabaster Arts Council also has a gallery where you can see the work of local artists.

Alabaster Historic District

The Alabaster Historic District is a great place to learn about the history of Alabaster, AL. The Alabaster Historic District is home to a variety of historic buildings, including the Alabaster Depot, the Alabaster City Hall, and the Alabaster Carnegie Library. The Alabaster Historic District is also home to a variety of shops and restaurants.

If you're looking for a great place to ride your bike, the Chapel Rd. Preserve to Park Segment located in Alabaster, AL is a great option. There are many great things to see and do in Alabaster, AL, and this segment is a great way to see some of the best that the city has to offer.

The Chapel Rd. Preserve to Park segment is a great option for those looking for a challenging climb with a moderate grade. The segment is just under 4 kilometers long with an elevation difference of 154.8 meters. The segment has a climb category of 1 and an average grade of 3.9%.
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