Champagne Backwards Strava Segment located in Yuma AZ with 1% climb grade for 2.9 miles

The Champagne Backwards Segment in Yuma, AZ

The Champagne Backwards segment is a 2827.2 meter long climb with an average grade of 2.9%. It is located in Yuma, AZ and has a climb category of 1. The elevation difference is 84.2 meters.

About the Champagne Backwards Segment

The Champagne Backwards Segment in Yuma, AZ

The Champagne Backwards segment in Yuma, AZ is a great place to ride for all levels of cyclists. The segment is a 1 climb category with an average grade of 2.9%. It is 2827.2 meters long and has an elevation difference of 84.2 meters. The scenery is beautiful and the segment is well-maintained. I highly recommend riding this segment!

The Champagne Backwards segment is a great climb for anyone looking for a challenge. With a climb category of 1, an average grade of 2.9%, a distance of 2827.2 meters, and an elevation difference of 84.2 meters, this segment is sure to test your limits. But, if you're up for the challenge, the rewards are definitely worth it. The views from the top are incredible, and the sense of accomplishment you'll feel is unlike anything else. So, if you're looking for a great climb to test your skills, the Champagne Backwards segment is definitely the way to go.

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