Cactus Garden Climb 1st Half Strava Segment located in Mesa AZ with 1% climb grade for 10.3 miles

Cactus Garden Climb 1st Half Segment

The Cactus Garden Climb 1st Half segment is located in Mesa, AZ. It is a climb category of 1, with an average grade of 10.3%. The distance is 845.5 meters, and the elevation difference is 91.2 meters.

This segment is a great climb for those who are looking for a challenge.

The Cactus Garden Climb 1st Half Segment

The Cactus Garden Climb 1st Half Segment is located in Mesa, AZ with a climb category of 1, an average grade of 10.3%, a distance of 845.5 meters, and an elevation difference of 91.2 meters.

The Climb

The Cactus Garden Climb 1st Half Segment is a great climb for beginner cyclists. The average grade is 10.3%, which is not too steep, and the distance is only 845.5 meters. The elevation difference is 91.2 meters, so it's not a very long or difficult climb.

The View

The view from the top of the Cactus Garden Climb 1st Half Segment is amazing! You can see for miles and miles, and the cactus garden is a beautiful sight. It's definitely worth the climb!

Tips for Climbing

Here are a few tips for climbing the Cactus Garden Climb 1st Half Segment:

  • Start out slowly and build up your speed as you go. It's important to pace yourself on this climb.
  • Keep your eyes on the road and watch out for potholes or other obstacles.
  • Drink plenty of water before and during the climb to stay hydrated.
  • Enjoy the view from the top!

Have you climbed the Cactus Garden Climb 1st Half Segment? Share your experience in the comments below!

The Cactus Garden Climb 1st Half is a great segment for those looking for a challenge in Mesa, AZ. With a climb category of 1, an average grade of 10.3%, a distance of 845.5 meters, and an elevation difference of 91.2 meters, this segment is sure to test your limits. Whether you're looking to PR or just want to see what you're made of, the Cactus Garden Climb 1st Half is a great choice.

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