Blacksnake Rd Climb Strava Segment located in Hot Springs AR with 1% climb grade for 9.3 miles

The Blacksnake Rd Climb Segment in Hot Springs, AR

If you're looking for a challenging climb in Hot Springs, AR, the Blacksnake Rd Climb segment is a great option. With a climb category of 1, an average grade of 9.3%, a distance of 1630.8 meters, and an elevation difference of 151.7 meters, this segment is sure to get your heart rate up!

The Blacksnake Road Climb Segment

The Blacksnake Road Climb Segment is located in Hot Springs, AR with a climb category of 1, an average grade of 9.3%, a distance of 1630.8 meters, and an elevation difference of 151.7 meters.

Climb Category

The Blacksnake Road Climb Segment has a climb category of 1.

Average Grade

The Blacksnake Road Climb Segment has an average grade of 9.3%.


The Blacksnake Road Climb Segment is 1630.8 meters long.

Elevation Difference

The Blacksnake Road Climb Segment has an elevation difference of 151.7 meters.

The Blacksnake Rd Climb is one of the most difficult climbs in Arkansas. It is a long, difficult climb with an average grade of 9.3%. It is also one of the most beautiful, with stunning views of the Ouachita Mountains.
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