beeline dump to shea Strava Segment located in Mesa AZ with 1% climb grade for 1.0 miles

The beeline dump to shea segment located in Mesa, AZ

The beeline dump to shea segment is a 9593.6 meter long stretch of road with a climb category of 1 and an average grade of 1.0%. It is located in Mesa, AZ and has an elevation difference of 93.8 meters.

About the beeline dump to shea segment

The Beeline Dump to Shea Segment

The Beeline Dump to Shea Segment is located in Mesa, AZ and has a climb category of 1, an average grade of 1.0%, a distance of 9593.6 meters, and an elevation difference of 93.8 meters.

This segment is a great option for those looking for an easy ride with not much climbing. The average grade is only 1.0%, so it's not too steep, and the distance is only 9593.6 meters, so it's not too long.

If you're looking for a little bit of a challenge, the Beeline Dump to Shea Segment is a great option. With a climb category of 1 and an average grade of 1.0%, it's a great choice for those looking for an easy ride.

The Beeline Dump to Shea segment is a great option for those looking for an easy climb in Mesa, AZ. With a climb category of 1, an average grade of 1.0%, and a distance of 9593.6 meters, it is a great choice for those looking to get some exercise in without having to worry about a difficult climb. The elevation difference of 93.8 meters is also not too significant, making this a great choice for those looking for a relatively easy hike.

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