Apache Wash to Apache Vista Strava Segment located in Peoria AZ with 1% climb grade for 4.1 miles

The Apache Wash to Apache Vista Segment: A Great Ride for All Skill Levels

The Apache Wash to Apache Vista segment, located in Peoria, AZ, is a great ride for all skill levels. With a climb category of 1, an average grade of 4.1%, a distance of 2042.5 meters, and an elevation difference of 83.9 meters, it's a perfect segment for those looking to get their

The Apache Wash to Apache Vista Segment in Peoria, AZ

The Apache Wash to Apache Vista Segment in Peoria, AZ is a great place to ride your bike. The segment has a climb category of 1, an average grade of 4.1%, a distance of 2042.5 meters, and an elevation difference of 83.9 meters. The segment is a great place to ride your bike because it is a great workout and the scenery is beautiful. The segment is also a great place to ride your bike because it is a great place to ride your bike. The segment is a great place to ride your bike because it is a great workout and the scenery is beautiful. The segment is also a great place to ride your bike because it is a great place to ride your bike.

The Apache Wash to Apache Vista segment is a great option for those looking for a challenging but doable climb. With a climb category of 1, an average grade of 4.1%, a distance of 2042.5 meters, and an elevation difference of 83.9 meters, this segment is sure to give you a good workout. And, with the beautiful views of the Sonoran Desert, it's a great way to take in the sights of Peoria, AZ.

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