3.5 mile usery climb Strava Segment located in Gilbert AZ with 2% climb grade for 3.6 miles

3.5 Mile Usery Climb Segment in Gilbert, AZ

If you're looking for a challenging climb in Gilbert, AZ, look no further than the 3.5 mile Usery climb segment. With a climb category of 2 and an average grade of 3.6%, this segment is sure to test your mettle. The distance of 5853.9 meters and elevation difference of 265.4 meters make it a

The 3.5 Mile Usery Climb Segment in Gilbert, AZ

The 3.5 mile Usery climb segment in Gilbert, AZ is a popular route for cyclists looking for a challenge. The climb category is 2, with an average grade of 3.6%. The distance is 5853.9 meters, and the elevation difference is 265.4 meters.

This segment is popular because it is a challenging climb that is doable for most cyclists. The average grade is not too steep, and the distance is manageable for most people. The elevation difference is also not too extreme, making it a good option for those looking for a challenge without having to go too extreme.

If you are looking for a challenge, the 3.5 mile Usery climb segment in Gilbert, AZ is a great option. It is a challenging climb that is doable for most cyclists, and the distance and elevation difference are both manageable. Give it a try next time you are looking for a good cycling challenge!

The Usery Climb is a great way to get some hill training in while staying close to the city. It's a moderate climb with an average grade of 3.6%. It's a little over 3.5 miles long and has an elevation difference of 265.4 meters. It's a great option for a training ride or race.
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