Wagnon Mountain Rd Climb Strava Segment located in Florence AL with 1% climb grade for 6.3 miles

Wagnon Mountain Rd Climb Segment in Florence, AL

The Wagnon Mountain Rd Climb segment is located in Florence, AL with a climb category of 1, an average grade of 6.3%, a distance of 1627.4 meters, and an elevation difference of 102.8 meters. This climb is a great challenge for beginner cyclists looking to test their skills on a longer, steeper climb. The segment is also a good option for experienced cyclists looking for a shorter, less intense workout.

Climb Category

The Wagnon Mountain Rd Climb segment has a climb category of 1. This means that the segment is a relatively easy climb with a low degree of difficulty. The average grade of the segment is 6.3%, which is not too steep. The segment is also relatively short, at 1627.4 meters.

Elevation Difference

The Wagnon Mountain Rd Climb segment has an elevation difference of 102.8 meters. This means that the segment is not a very long or difficult climb. The average grade of the segment is 6.3%, which is not too steep.


The Wagnon Mountain Rd Climb segment is 1627.4 meters long. This is a relatively short distance, making the segment a good option for beginner cyclists or experienced cyclists looking for a shorter, less intense workout.

Average Grade

The Wagnon Mountain Rd Climb segment has an average grade of 6.3%. This is a relatively easy grade, making the segment a good option for beginner cyclists or experienced cyclists looking for a shorter, less intense workout.

Wagnon Mountain Rd Climb Segment in Florence, AL

The Wagnon Mountain Rd Climb segment is located in Florence, AL. It has a climb category of 1, an average grade of 6.3%, a distance of 1627.4 meters, and an elevation difference of 102.8 meters. This is a great segment for those looking for a challenging climb.

Climb Category

The Wagnon Mountain Rd Climb segment has a climb category of 1. This is the easiest category of climb, and is great for those just getting started with climbing. The average grade of the segment is 6.3%.


The Wagnon Mountain Rd Climb segment is 1627.4 meters long. This is a great distance for those looking for a challenging climb.

Elevation Difference

The Wagnon Mountain Rd Climb segment has an elevation difference of 102.8 meters. This is a great elevation difference for those looking for a challenging climb.

Overall, the Wagnon Mountain Rd Climb segment is a great segment for those looking for a challenging climb. It is a great segment for beginners and experienced climbers alike. If you are looking for a challenge, this is the segment for you!

Wagnon Mountain Rd Climb is a great segment for anyone looking for a challenging climb. The segment is located in Florence, AL and has a climb category of 1. The average grade is 6.3% and the distance is 1627.4 meters. The elevation difference is 102.8 meters. This segment is a great way to challenge yourself and see how far you can push yourself. I would definitely recommend this segment to anyone looking for a challenge.

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