Ticket to the Top Strava Segment located in Anchorage AK with 1% climb grade for 5.5 miles

Ticket to the Top Segment in Anchorage, AK

The Ticket to the Top segment is located in Anchorage, AK with a climb category of 1, an average grade of 5.5%, a distance of 2660.5 meters, and an elevation difference of 145.6 meters. This is a great segment for beginner to intermediate cyclists looking to get a taste of what Anchorage has to offer in terms of climbing. The views

Ticket to the Top Segment in Anchorage, AK

The Ticket to the Top segment in Anchorage, AK is a great climb for anyone looking for a challenge. With a climb category of 1, an average grade of 5.5%, a distance of 2660.5 meters, and an elevation difference of 145.6 meters, this segment is sure to give you a workout!

Whether you're a local looking for a new challenge, or a visitor to Anchorage looking to explore the area, the Ticket to the Top segment is a great option. The views from the top are incredible, and the sense of accomplishment you'll feel after completing the segment is unbeatable.

So what are you waiting for? Grab your bike and head to the Ticket to the Top segment in Anchorage, AK today!

If you're looking for a challenge, the Ticket to the Top segment in Anchorage, AK is definitely worth checking out. With a climb category of 1, an average grade of 5.5%, a distance of 2660.5 meters, and an elevation difference of 145.6 meters, it's sure to give you a workout. And the views from the top are definitely worth the effort!

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