Scenic Drive Climb Strava Segment located in Gadsden AL with 1% climb grade for 6.4 miles

The Scenic Drive Climb Segment in Gadsden, AL

The Scenic Drive Climb is a popular segment located in Gadsden, AL. It has a climb category of 1, an average grade of 6.4%, a distance of 1807.1 meters, and an elevation difference of 116.2 meters. The segment is popular with cyclists and is a great workout.

Climb Category

The Scenic Drive Climb has a climb category of 1. This is the lowest climb category and is suitable for all levels of cyclists.

Average Grade

The Scenic Drive Climb has an average grade of 6.4%. This is a moderate grade and should be manageable for most cyclists.


The Scenic Drive Climb is 1807.1 meters long. This is a moderate distance and should be manageable for most cyclists.

Elevation Difference

The Scenic Drive Climb has an elevation difference of 116.2 meters. This is a moderate elevation and should be manageable for most cyclists.


The Scenic Drive Climb is a popular segment located in Gadsden, AL. It has a climb category of 1, an average grade of 6.4%, a distance of 1807.1 meters, and an elevation difference of 116.2 meters. The segment is popular with cyclists and is a great workout.


The Scenic Drive Climb is a popular road cycling route located in Gadsden, Alabama. The route is known for its challenging climb, with an average grade of 6.4% and a distance of 1807.1 meters. The elevation difference of the route is 116.2 meters. The Scenic Drive Climb is a great route for experienced road cyclists looking for a challenge.


The Scenic Drive Climb is a challenging route, with an average grade of 6.4%. The route is also quite long, at 1807.1 meters. The elevation difference of the route is 116.2 meters. These challenges make the Scenic Drive Climb a great route for experienced road cyclists.


Despite the challenges, the Scenic Drive Climb is a popular route for road cyclists. The route offers stunning views of Gadsden, Alabama. The Scenic Drive Climb is a great route for experienced road cyclists looking for a challenge. The Scenic Drive Climb is one of the most popular segments in Gadsden, AL. It is a 1 climb with an average grade of 6.4%. The segment is 1807.1 meters long and has an elevation difference of 116.2 meters. The Scenic Drive Climb is a great segment for cyclists of all levels.
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