Oak Mountain Fire Road to Orange Trail Strava Segment located in Vestavia Hills AL with 2% climb grade for 4.6 miles

Oak Mountain Fire Road to Orange Trail Segment

The Oak Mountain Fire Road to Orange Trail Segment is located in Vestavia Hills, AL. It has a climb category of 2, an average grade of 4.6%, a distance of 3620.9 meters, and an elevation difference of 167.4 meters. This is a great segment for those who are looking for a challenge. The average grade is 4.6%, which is higher than most segments in the area. The distance is also longer than most segments, so it will take some time to complete. However, the elevation difference is not as high as some segments, so it is not as difficult as it could be. This segment is a great way to get some exercise and see some beautiful scenery.

Oak Mountain Fire Road to Orange Trail Segment

The Oak Mountain Fire Road to Orange Trail Segment is located in Vestavia Hills, AL and has a climb category of 2, an average grade of 4.6%, a distance of 3620.9 meters, and an elevation difference of 167.4 meters.

This segment is a great workout for any cyclist looking to get in some hill climbing. The average grade may not seem like much, but it will certainly get your heart rate up as you make your way up the fire road. And at 3620.9 meters, it's a good length for a solid workout.

Once you reach the top of the fire road, you'll be rewarded with a nice downhill ride on the Orange Trail. This is a great way to cool down after your climb and enjoy some of the beautiful scenery that Vestavia Hills has to offer.

Tips for Cycling the Oak Mountain Fire Road to Orange Trail Segment

Here are a few tips to help you make the most of your ride on this segment:

  • Start out slow and steady on the fire road. You don't want to burn yourself out before you even reach the top.
  • Once you hit the Orange Trail, let loose and enjoy the downhill. Just be sure to watch out for any obstacles in your path.
  • If you're looking for a longer ride, you can always continue on the Orange Trail after this segment. It eventually loops back around to the fire road.

Final Thoughts

The Oak Mountain Fire Road to Orange Trail Segment is a great option for anyone looking for a challenging hill climb. Just be sure to take it easy on the fire road and enjoy the ride down the Orange Trail.

The Oak Mountain Fire Road to Orange Trail segment is a great option for those looking for a challenging climb in the Vestavia Hills area. With a climb category of 2 and an average grade of 4.6%, this segment is sure to test your limits. However, the rewards are well worth the effort, as the 3620.9 meter segment provides stunning views of the surrounding area. The 167.4 meter elevation difference is also a great way to get some extra cardio in.

Overall, the Oak Mountain Fire Road to Orange Trail segment is a great option for those looking for a challenging climb. The views are stunning and the elevation difference is a great way to get some extra cardio in. I would definitely recommend this segment to anyone looking for a challenge in the Vestavia Hills area.

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