Gum Springs Rd Climb Strava Segment located in Decatur AL with 1% climb grade for 5.2 miles

Gum Springs Rd Climb is a popular road cycling climb located in Decatur, AL. The climb has a category of 1, an average grade of 5.2%, a distance of 2356.0 meters, and an elevation difference of 122.8 meters. The climb is a popular destination for road cyclists looking to challenge themselves on a difficult climb.

Gum Springs Rd Climb

The Gum Springs Rd Climb is a popular segment located in Decatur, AL. The climb is a category 1 with an average grade of 5.2%. The distance of the segment is 2356.0 meters and the elevation difference is 122.8 meters.

The Gum Springs Rd Climb is a great segment for those looking for a challenge. The average grade is sure to test your climbing abilities and the distance is sure to test your endurance.

Whether you're looking for a personal challenge or you're looking to test your abilities against others, the Gum Springs Rd Climb is a great segment to do just that.

The Gum Springs Rd Climb is a great climb for anyone looking for a challenge. It has a climb category of 1, an average grade of 5.2%, a distance of 2356.0 meters, and an elevation difference of 122.8 meters. This climb is sure to test your limits and push you to your limits. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a beginner, the Gum Springs Rd Climb is a great segment to test your skills on.

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