Green Island Drive Climb Strava Segment located in Phenix City AL with 1% climb grade for 13.3 miles

The Green Island Drive Climb Segment

The Green Island Drive Climb Segment is located in Phenix City, AL. It has a climb category of 1, an average grade of 13.3%, a distance of 607.6 meters, and an elevation difference of 80.8 meters.

Climb Category

The Green Island Drive Climb Segment has a climb category of 1. This is the lowest climb category, which means that the grade is less than 6%.

Average Grade

The Green Island Drive Climb Segment has an average grade of 13.3%. This is a moderate grade, and most people will be able to complete the segment without too much difficulty.


The Green Island Drive Climb Segment is 607.6 meters long. This is a relatively short distance, and most people will be able to complete it in a few minutes.

Elevation Difference

The Green Island Drive Climb Segment has an elevation difference of 80.8 meters. This is a moderate elevation difference, and most people will be able to complete the segment without too much difficulty.

Green Island Drive Climb Segment

The Green Island Drive Climb segment is located in Phenix City, AL. It has a climb category of 1, an average grade of 13.3%, a distance of 607.6 meters, and an elevation difference of 80.8 meters.

Climb Category

The Green Island Drive Climb segment has a climb category of 1. This means that it is a short, steep climb. The average grade of the segment is 13.3%.

Distance and Elevation

The segment is 607.6 meters long and has an elevation difference of 80.8 meters. This means that the segment is relatively short, but has a significant elevation gain.


The main challenge of the Green Island Drive Climb segment is the steep grade. This segment is not recommended for beginners or those who are not comfortable with steep climbs. However, the segment is relatively short, so it is a good option for those who are looking for a challenge.

The Green Island Drive Climb is one of the most challenging climbs in Phenix City, AL. With a climb category of 1, an average grade of 13.3%, a distance of 607.6 meters, and an elevation difference of 80.8 meters, it is a true test of a rider's strength and endurance. However, the views from the top of the climb are well worth the effort, and the sense of accomplishment that comes with completing this challenging segment is second to none.
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