Gastineau Meadows Up Strava Segment located in Juneau AK with 1% climb grade for 7.6 miles

Gastineau Meadows Up Segment

The Gastineau Meadows Up segment is located in Juneau, AK and has a climb category of 1. It has an average grade of 7.6%, a distance of 1776.3 meters, and an elevation difference of 134.4 meters. This segment is a great option for those looking for a challenging climb with stunning views.

Gastineau Meadows Up Segment

The Gastineau Meadows Up segment is located in Juneau, AK and has a climb category of 1. It has an average grade of 7.6%, a distance of 1776.3 meters, and an elevation difference of 134.4 meters.

Climb Category

The Gastineau Meadows Up segment has a climb category of 1. This means that it is a relatively easy climb that is suitable for most people. It is a good choice for those who are new to climbing or those who want an easy climb.

Average Grade

The Gastineau Meadows Up segment has an average grade of 7.6%. This means that it is a relatively steep climb. It is a good choice for those who are looking for a challenge or those who want to get a good workout.


The Gastineau Meadows Up segment has a distance of 1776.3 meters. This is a good choice for those who want a long climb or those who want to explore the area.

Elevation Difference

The Gastineau Meadows Up segment has an elevation difference of 134.4 meters. This means that it is a relatively steep climb. It is a good choice for those who are looking for a challenge or those who want to get a good workout.

The Gastineau Meadows Up segment is a great climb for anyone visiting Juneau. The climb category is 1, the average grade is 7.6%, the distance is 1776.3 meters, and the elevation difference is 134.4 meters. This segment is a great way to see the beautiful scenery that Juneau has to offer.

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