Backside of Windmills Hill Climb Strava Segment located in Nome AK with 1% climb grade for 7.9 miles

The Backside of Windmills Hill Climb Segment

The Backside of Windmills Hill Climb Segment is located in Nome, AK and has a climb category of 1. The average grade is 7.9% and the distance is 1446.8 meters. The elevation difference is 114.0 meters. This is a great segment for beginners who are looking to get into hill climbing. The segment is

Backside of Windmills Hill Climb Segment

The Backside of Windmills Hill Climb Segment is located in Nome, AK. It has a climb category of 1, an average grade of 7.9%, a distance of 1446.8 meters, and an elevation difference of 114.0 meters. This segment is a great challenge for any cyclist looking to test their skills. The average grade is sure to test your endurance, while the distance is perfect for those who want to push themselves.

Climb Category

The Backside of Windmills Hill Climb Segment has a climb category of 1. This means that it is a challenging climb, but it is doable for most cyclists. The average grade of 7.9% is sure to test your endurance, but the distance is perfect for those who want to push themselves.

Average Grade

The average grade of the Backside of Windmills Hill Climb Segment is 7.9%. This is a challenging grade, but it is doable for most cyclists. The distance is perfect for those who want to push themselves.


The Backside of Windmills Hill Climb Segment is 1446.8 meters long. This is a perfect distance for those who want to push themselves. The elevation difference of 114.0 meters is also sure to challenge your endurance.

Elevation Difference

The Backside of Windmills Hill Climb Segment has an elevation difference of 114.0 meters. This is a challenging climb, but it is doable for most cyclists. The average grade of 7.9% is sure to test your endurance, but the distance is perfect for those who want to push themselves.

If you are looking for a great challenge, the Backside of Windmills Hill Climb Segment is the perfect ride for you. With a challenging grade and a perfect distance, this segment is sure to test your skills. So come on out and give it a try!

The Backside of Windmills is a popular hill climb segment located in Nome, AK. The segment has a climb category of 1, an average grade of 7.9%, a distance of 1446.8 meters, and an elevation difference of 114.0 meters. The segment is popular with cyclists looking for a challenging climb.

The segment is located on the back side of Windmills Hill, which is a popular spot for cyclists in the area. The segment is fairly short, but the average grade is quite steep, making it a challenging climb. The segment is popular with cyclists looking for a challenging climb.

If you're looking for a challenging hill climb in the Nome, AK area, the Backside of Windmills is a great option. The segment is short, but the steep average grade makes it a tough climb. If you're up for the challenge, add the Backside of Windmills to your next ride!

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